카테고리 없음 새로비 2017. 8. 12. 17:01
v) thinking deeply about something He sat silently cogitating.If she will allow me to continue, I shall cogitate and deliberate.
더 읽기
카테고리 없음 새로비 2017. 8. 12. 16:47
v) rape His men will brutally ravish you and every woman in the castleHe drugged my drink and tied to ravish me.
카테고리 없음 새로비 2017. 8. 12. 16:46
v) If an animal or a person prowls around, they move around quietly. Your sly eye caught my heart in its prowl!
카테고리 없음 새로비 2017. 8. 12. 16:44
watch carefully
~를 화나게 하다
Don't pervert the truth. or Never falsify facts.Don't worry, I ain't a pervert!I know you think I'm a pervert.
카테고리 없음 새로비 2017. 8. 12. 13:27
adj) prone to unexpected and unpredictable changes in mood The fact that Ella's moods were as mercurial as the weather was problemantic for her relation ships - it didn'tt help that she lived in Chicage.
카테고리 없음 새로비 2017. 8. 12. 13:15
adj) unbiased, neutral The potential juror knew the defendant, and therefore could not serve on the jury, which must consist only of disinterested members.
카테고리 없음 새로비 2017. 8. 12. 13:13
adj) spending resource recklessly or wastefully The composer Waner, while living on a limited salary, was so profligate as to line all the walls of his apartment with pure silk. n) someone who spends resources recklessly or wastefuully Most lottery winners go from being conservattive, frugal types to outright profligates who blow millions on fast cars, lavish homes, and giant yachts.
카테고리 없음 새로비 2017. 8. 12. 13:03
evasive answers.HE is indirect and evasive in the simple matter of fact. 얼버무리는
카테고리 없음 새로비 2017. 8. 12. 13:02
v) to speak in an evasive way Thy cynic quipped. "There is not much variance in politicians; they all seem to prevaricate."
카테고리 없음 새로비 2017. 8. 12. 12:58
I don't want to make an accusation until I have some proof.No one believed her wild accusations against her husband. 혐의 고소 고발 기소
Computer Science/IT Term 새로비 2017. 8. 11. 14:47
커넥션 풀(Connection Pool, DBCP)이란 데이터베이스와 연결된 커넥션을 미리 만들어서 풀(pool) 속에 저장해 두고, 필요할 때마다 커넥션을 풀에서 쓰고 다시 반환하는 기법을 말합니다. 웹 프로그램에서는 데이터베이스의 환경설정과 연결 관리 등을 따로 XML파일이나 속성 파일을 사용해서 관리하고, 이렇게 설정된 정보를 이름을 사용하여 획득하는 방법을 사용하죠. 커넥션 풀이 커넥션 객체를 어떻게 운영되는 지를 보면 - 웹 컨테이너가 실행되면서 커넥션(connection) 객체를 미리 풀(pool)에 생성해 둡니다. - DB와 연결된 커넥션(connection)을 미리 생성해서 풀(pool) 속에 저장해 두고 있다가 필요할 때에 가져다 쓰고 반환합니다. 단순하죠. 커넥션 풀을 이용하면 다수의 ..
카테고리 없음 새로비 2017. 8. 10. 20:27
v) to object or show reluctance Wallace disliked the cold so, he demurred when his friends suggested thtey go skiing in the Alps.
카테고리 없음 새로비 2017. 8. 8. 09:22
I hope they fall flat on their face and win nothing.She could also fall flat on her face in the next two months.The crowd grew restive as the comedian's opening jokes fell flat. 호응을 얻지 못하다, 실패하다
카테고리 없음 새로비 2017. 8. 8. 09:21
adj) restless The crowd grew restive as the comedian's opening jokes fell flat.
카테고리 없음 새로비 2017. 8. 8. 09:20
adj) not normal According to those who do not believe in climate change, the extreme weather over the last five years is simply anomalous-daily temperatures should return to their old averages, they believe
카테고리 없음 새로비 2017. 8. 8. 09:17
v) to suggest something subtly At first Manfred's teachers intimated to his parents that he was not suited to skip a grade; when his parents protested, teachers explicitly told them that, notwithstanding the boy's precocity, he was simply too immature to jump to the 6th grade.
카테고리 없음 새로비 2017. 8. 8. 09:13
n) sb who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions Lady Gaga, in challenging what it means to be clothed, is an iconoclast for wearing a "meat dress" to a prominent awards show.
카테고리 없음 새로비 2017. 8. 8. 09:10
adj) standing out in a negative way; shockingly bad The dictator's abuse of human rights was so egregious that many World leaders demanded that he be tried in an International court for genocide.The lies can be far more egregious than hair color.
카테고리 없음 새로비 2017. 8. 8. 09:05
adj) mixed or conflicting emotions about something. Sam was ambivalent about studying for the exam because doing so ate up a lot of his time, yét he was able to improve his analytical skills.
Diary 새로비 2017. 8. 7. 08:49
in the early morning, I went to 24/7 cafe called 'Orange Pencil'. Arriving at that cafe, I went up to second floor, ordering Americano. That place was cozy and calm at an early hour; But the time goes by, more and more people came in, becoming a crowed place. I've studied Spring Framework since the first day of Aug. It seems a nice Framework which is good to develop a Java Application; but it is..
카테고리 없음 새로비 2017. 8. 7. 08:41
v) to clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt with supporting arguments or proof Even seven Tour de France winds cannot vindicate Lance Armstrong in the eyes of Public - that the athlete used performance enhancing drugs in validates all those wins.Now finally I can vindicate myself, if only in a small way.
Computer Science/IT Term 새로비 2017. 8. 7. 00:03
ORM은 데이터를 다루는 RDBMS와의 상이한 시스템을 매핑하여 쉽게 데이터 관련 OOP 프로그래밍을 쉽게 하도록 하기 위한 테크닉입니다. OOP와 RDBMS 각각의 정보처리 방식이 다른 데 ORM을 이용하면 이를 중간엣 소통하게 해주는 통역자 역할을 하게 되어 쉽게 OOP언어로 data를 매핑하여 제어할 수 있습니다. 그렇다는 것은 RDBMS의 상세한 구조를 몰라도 개발자가 원하는 개발을 수행할 수 있다는 것이죠. 즉 Data Layer와 Presentation Layer를 자연스럽게 분리하고 Role을 명확히 하는 것이죠.
Computer Science/IT Term 새로비 2017. 8. 6. 23:51
DAO는 DB에 엑세스하는 기능을 제공하는 객체입니다. DAO가 나오게 된 배경은 이렇습니다. 웹서버는 DB와 연결하기 위하여 매번 커넥션 객체를 생성합니다. 매번 커넥션 객체를 생성하는 비용을 줄이기 위해 Connection Pool을 도입했습니다. Connection Pool이란 coonection 객체를 미리 만들어 놓고 그것을 계속해서 가져다 쓰는 것입니다. 그리고 다 쓰고난 다음에는 반환하죠. 이 Connection pool은 아까 언급했듯이 계속해서 Connection 객체를 만드는 오버헤드 비용을 줄이기 위해 DB에 접속하는 객체를 하나 전용으로 만들어 모든 페이지에서 그 객체를 호출해서 사용하도록 합니다. 이렇게 커넥션을 하나만 가져오고 그 커넥션을 가져온 객체가 모든 DB와의 연결을 하는..
카테고리 없음 새로비 2017. 8. 6. 12:53
The woman has as much initiative as a tape recorder.a person with initiative and drive 추진력, 계획, 결단력
카테고리 없음 새로비 2017. 8. 6. 12:52
n) a long pompous speech; a tirade Dinner at Billy's was more a punishment than a reward, since anyone who sat at the dinner table would have to listen to Billy's father's interminable harangues against the government v) to deliver a long pompous speech or tirade Tired of his parents haranguing him about his laziness and lack of initiative, Tyler finally moved out of home at the age of thirty-five
카테고리 없음 새로비 2017. 8. 5. 20:27
v) to excite or inspire to action At mile 23 of his first marathon, Kyle had all but given up, until he noticed his friends and family holding a banner that read, "Go Kyle"; galvanized, he broke into a gallop, finighing the last three miles in less than 20 minutes.
카테고리 없음 새로비 2017. 8. 5. 20:23
v) to express strong disapproval After being caught in bed with a mistress, the mayor was quickly censured by the city council.
카테고리 없음 새로비 2017. 8. 5. 20:21
n) a mixture of multiple things The band's music was an amalgam of hip-hop, flamenco and jazz, blending the three styles with surprising results.